
The biographical: Audrey Hepburn






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Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929 in Belgium, and died on January 20, 1993 in Switzerland. She lived the Second World War, the Jewish holocaust, and the famine, which resulted in a permanent weakening of her body.

At the end of the war, she tried to pursuit a career in ballet, but her deteriorated constitution didn’t allow it. Later on she began her career as an actress. Audrey not only became an outstanding actress recognized all over the world, but also an icon of modernity and, above all, an icon of elegance.

She was special. She was delicate. She was natural. She was polite. She was stylish. She was a mother. She was a wife. All of that made her the elegant woman we now remember. For elegance is not only about dressing well, with the last trend or with what best suits you. It is more than that. Elegance is being oneself, and changing only our unelegant habits in order to obtain a perfect harmony of body and soul. Audrey Hepburn achieved it. And that harmony could be seen inside and outside the big screen. These pictures show who Audrey was beyond the movies. 

Audrey Hepburn nació el 4 de mayo de 1929 en Bélgica y murió el 20 de enero de 1993 en Suiza. Vivió la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la masacre de los judíos y el hambre que ocasionó y que dejó huella en su constitución. 

Al terminar la guerra se formó como bailarina y más tarde empezó su andadura en el cine. Se convirtió no sólo en una gran actriz reconocida mundialmente sino en un icono de la modernidad y, sobre todo, de la elegancia. 

Era especial. Era delicada. Era sencilla. Era madre. Era esposa. Era educada. Era estilosa. Y todo eso hacía que fuera elegante. La elegancia no es ir bien vestida, con lo último o lo que mejor te siente. La elegancia es ser una misma, y modificar nuestros hábitos poco elegantes hacia una armonía de cuerpo y alma. Ella lo consiguió. Estas imágenes expresan lo que era fuera de la pantalla aunque también dentro de ella se nota esa armonía.

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